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1997.09—2001.07,聊城大学 数学科学学院,数学与应用数学专业,获理学学士学位

2001.09—2004.07,曲阜师范大学 数学科学学院,概率论与数理统计专业,获理学硕士学位

2010.09—2013.07,中国科学技术大学 管理学院,概率论与数理统计专业,获理学博士学位




Optimal investment problem under behavioral setting: A Lagrange duality perspective,Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control,2023,156:104751

Portfolio management with option compensation scheme under rank-dependent expected utility, Commu- nications in Mathematics and Statistics, 2023, preprint

Optimal control for controllable stochastic linear systems,ESAIM: Control, Optimization and Calculus of Variations,2020, 26: 1-23

Several properties of a nonstandard renewal counting process and their applications,Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 2020,33(1): 122-136

Large deviations for sums of claims in a general renewal risk model with the regression dependent structure,Statistics and Probability Letters, 2020, 165: online

Web renewal counting processes and their applications in insurance, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2018, 260: 1-15

Optimal consumption and portfolio selection problems under loss aversion with downside consumption constraints, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2017, 299: 80-94

Pricing Credit Derivatives Under Fractional Stochastic Interest Rate Models with Jumps, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 2017, 30(3): 645-659

Optimal Portfolio and Consumption models under Loss Aversion in Infinite Time Horizon, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 2016, 30(4): 553-575

Minimizing the risk of absolute ruin under a diffusion approximation model with reinsurance and investment, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 2015, 28(1): 144-155

Precise large deviations of aggregate claims in a risk model with regression-type size-dependence, Statistics and Probability Letters, 2013, 83(10): 2248-2255

基于t分布的贝叶斯深度学习模型及其应用. 计算机系统应用, 2022, 31(11): 330-338

基于遗传算法-部分协整理论的配对交易方法及应用,统计研究,2020,37(9): 82-94

基于生成对抗网络的高频算法及其回测研究,中国科学技术大学学报, 2020, 50(6): 801-810

带止损条件的配对交易最优阈值系,系统科学与数学, 2019

相依随机保费风险模型的有限时间破产概率,应用数学学报, 2019

基于LSTM神经网络的黑色金属期货套利策略模型, 中国科学技术大学学报, 2018, (2): 125-132

基于深度学习算法的高频交易策略及其盈利能力研究, 中国科学技术大学学报, 2018, 48(8): 1-11

一个可变保费巨灾风险模型的局部破产概率, 数学学报, 2014, 57(1): 9-16

有限期限上具有随机利率的最优投资消费模型, 系统科学与数学, 2014, 34(8): 914-924

一类重灾风险模型的生存概率, 应用数学学报, 2012, 35(5): 817-828





主持安徽省软科项目: 安徽省区块链产业发展方向与配套监管政策的研究, 201901-202012

主持国家自然科学基金项目: Web马氏骨架过程及其在风险理论中的应用, 201501-201712

参与国家自然科学基金面上项目:金融大数据随机建模中若干非马氏问题及其应用的研究, 201501-201812

参与国家自然科学基金面上项目: 极值理论在风险理论中的应用研究,201201-201512

参与国家统计局重点项目: 小微企业风险传导机制与管理研究, 2014-2015